Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why I wanted this

As of late, I have been reading too many graphic novel, trade paperbacks, and comic collections. I am not sure why I haven't put much effort into reading non-illustrated books, but this is what is making me excited at the moment. Sure, I'd love to read that copy of Vonnegut's Mother Night that is in my bag on the floor, but I am just not ready to yet. When will I? Who knows, I go through phases. One day, comics, the next it could be just about anything. Maybe it's the ADD in me (which is my standard excuse) or maybe it's just because (also a standard excuse).
In any case, I have decided to put all of my thoughts down on different things geek, books, comics, music, movies, outfits, (etc., etc., etc.) and I am bringing my family (down?) with me. And why not? We are all geeks here, and they should be heard! Right? Indeed!
So, here is me: a 34 year old father who has been married to his wonderful geek wife for almost 13 years. I wasn't raised in a family of geeks, my father and mother were your standard straight and narrow parents. Where did I pick this up from, you say? Well, I am not sure. Maybe it was the first viewing of Return of the Jedi my parents took me to when I was 6 years old. Watching Jabba on the big screen and seeing a Lightsaber battle is something that has stayed with me my whole life. That movie was bigger than life to my little kid self. I guess, if there has to be a moment in time, then this would be it. From here it's all [down?] up hill from there. Seeing ET, a year earlier also had its impact. Seeing Gremlins and being terrified for my life, seeing Back to the Future and wanting to travel through time, seeing the Goonies and wanting to go on a huge adventure, or just seeing Batman come to life, anyone of these moments may have been that one moment that kick-started me. I, however, am not here to psycho-analysis my background. I don't really care to walk down those lonely streets again, and I don't care if the love of the Starship Enterprise has anything thing to do with my mother! The point is, I am where I am because of those moments. And now, I have passed my geekery to a new generation in both my younger sister and my son. Between my wife, my sister, my son, and myself, we are a family of geeks who have something to say.
Now onward, to Mordor (or to the nearest computer terminal)
--Michael (MGS)

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