Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Introducing the younger Geeky/Nerdy Sister

That's me! So I'm the younger sister.  I'm 23 and a graduate student studying for a Master's in Library Science. I'm focusing on Youth Librarianship. I don't know exactly where my geekiness truly begins. As far as I can tell, I've been pretty geeky and nerdy ever since I was little. It's just who I am.  My brother has certainly played a huge part in my geekery especially recently. Being that I have more free time due to my classes being all online, I have more time to get involved in Geeky things. I have been reading a lot of graphic novels lately (Thanks to my brother) but I don't mind this at all. Being that I'm aiming to work as a Youth Librarian, I need to read graphic novels. Graphic novels are quite popular nowadays. I'm don't want to be one of those stuffy, old librarians that don't like graphic novels; that consider graphic novels to not be books. I keep an open mind. I believe that anything that gets a someone to read is an accomplishment in itself.   You might think that my brother literally drags me into these things but you'd be wrong. I'll geek. I geek. I have the capacity to geek.
This is me in a nutshell pretty much.

So yeah. Bye and stuff (for now).
-Ronda (Adnor)

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