Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Spiderman, like we have [already] seen it before!

Finally, after 5 long years, years filled with subpar films such as The Dark Knight or The Avengers, years filled with the dullest films to come along in years like Super 8, Star Trek, or even Captain America, we finally have a Spiderman film. Those dark days of waiting to see our friendly neighborhood webslinger finally get the big screen treatment is over. 2012 will be long remembered for bringing us exactly what we were all calling for: The Avengers and The Dark Knight Rises. And shoved right in between these two, amongst the rest of the summer releases, is Spiderman.

The Amazing Spiderman is not a bad film, it's just not a great film and it is certainly not a film we needed. You see, the main problem was the exact thing that I was mostly worried about and (if you were unlucky to hear me talk about it in person) I've been vocalizing for months. It is yet another retelling of Spiderman. Yes, kiddos, we get to see how Spiderman became Spiderman. Again.