Friday, May 20, 2011

Best of 2010: Inception

Hans Zimmer does good work. Sure, at times it's a bit over the top and over powering, but he does a good job of bringing his presence to a motion picture. His Pirates of the Caribbean soundtracks were filled with powerful cues that were exciting one moment, reflective and sad another, and tender right after that, before jumping right back into the action. He keeps time with the action very well. I am posting a rather long track, but it helps to illustrate what I am talking about very well.

 The Dark Knight score (co-written by James Newton Howard) is nothing, if not  incredible. One of my favorite tracks of all time is on this soundtrack. The title is "Like A Dog Chasing Cars." The track is written with the ablsoulte chaos of the moment in mind, as it become more and more frantic, but never loses its thematic musical self. I love it and can't get enough of the power of this one scene of music.

And his theme for 2009's Sherlock Holmes is another on my list of great tracks. It captures the fun of the movie, the time frame, and excitement. It doesn't just sit there and take a breath, but dives right into the themes presented in the movie. This is the theme of a crime solver that lived a hundred years ago, and kicked ass! I mean listen to those strings. They are working overtime something fierce. And then that send off with a banjo? Brings chills.

He's also done some great work in The Lion King, Rango, The Rock, The Simpsons Movie, and The DaVinci Code, among so many others. Click here for a (much) bigger list.

Last year, Zimmer joined forces once again with Christopher Nolan to score a movie that was a great mystery to so many of us, Inception (click link for synopsis). From the first trailer, with its booming soundtrack and amazing visuals, I was sold. I couldn't wait to see this movie. Plus, it was from Nolan, so I knew that, at the very least, it would be interesting. 

hetalia (ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh)

hetalia episode 19
this time the allies are having a confrance and china comes in late. he says that he had to make crab also he brought a whole lotta people to help him build a Chinatown there. then Germany is giving the Italian army a lesson on why you shouldn't run away. in the middle the Italian army runs away. then back at the confrance every body feels like their being watched. mostly because they are being watched by Canada and no one knows he is there. then Germany is making Italy run laps but instant ly runs away. then at the end of the confrance the allies realize Italy is in the room with them


hetalia (i thought that died)

I'm doing posts on actual episodes now. the episode im writing on is episode 18. in the episode the axis (italy Germany and japan) get attacked by the allies (Americana england china Russia and France) it looks like the axis can protect them selves. Germany gets a gun japan takes out a sward and Italy waves a white flag. then Germany and japan get knocked out and Italy surrenders. then a giant person comes out of the water and starts to sing. the allies get freaked out and run away and Italy says that person was his grandpa Rome. then the allies attack again same deal but grandpa Rome sings a different song
