The Dark Knight score (co-written by James Newton Howard) is nothing, if not incredible. One of my favorite tracks of all time is on this soundtrack. The title is "Like A Dog Chasing Cars." The track is written with the ablsoulte chaos of the moment in mind, as it become more and more frantic, but never loses its thematic musical self. I love it and can't get enough of the power of this one scene of music.
And his theme for 2009's Sherlock Holmes is another on my list of great tracks. It captures the fun of the movie, the time frame, and excitement. It doesn't just sit there and take a breath, but dives right into the themes presented in the movie. This is the theme of a crime solver that lived a hundred years ago, and kicked ass! I mean listen to those strings. They are working overtime something fierce. And then that send off with a banjo? Brings chills.
He's also done some great work in The Lion King, Rango, The Rock, The Simpsons Movie, and The DaVinci Code, among so many others. Click here for a (much) bigger list.
Last year, Zimmer joined forces once again with Christopher Nolan to score a movie that was a great mystery to so many of us, Inception (click link for synopsis). From the first trailer, with its booming soundtrack and amazing visuals, I was sold. I couldn't wait to see this movie. Plus, it was from Nolan, so I knew that, at the very least, it would be interesting.